AZAL объявила, что с 28 декабря приостанавливает рейсы из Баку в Сочи, Волгоград, Уфу, Самару, Грозный, Минводы и Махачкалу, пишет РИА Новости.
The main conceptual idea is that Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) has temporarily suspended flights to several Russian cities following the recent plane landing incident in Baku due to airspace closure over Makhachkala.
This decision was made as a direct consequence of the incident and the unexpected security situation in Russian airspace.
The main conceptual idea is that Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) has temporarily suspended flights to several Russian cities following the recent plane landing incident in Baku due to airspace closure over Makhachkala. This decision was made as a direct consequence of the incident and the unexpected security situation in Russian airspace.